
Satu orang tidak bisa mengubah dunia, tetapi satu orang bisa menjadi dunia untuk seseorang. Dunia yang hangat dan damai..Ketika satu orang berhasil mewujudkan dunia yang seperti itu, maka akan ada sepuluh orang lalu seratus orang. Dan dunia yang baik inipun akan terus berkembang.

Twineyes World.

2 komentar:

  1. Please follow me back in my blogger!!! I am your best friend :)) You would have envied my blog hahaha But I must admit that the story is in your blog is very nice and interesting.. I know that is your true and about you. I just gave one sentence for you it is "Be yourself, don't give up, don't ever be another person, because you are a best friend really cares about me (:"

  2. I've been following your blog ;)jujur nih, gatau mau bilang apa lagi.. you are my best friend forever , yas! :D I was very lucky to meet and be friends with u =D
